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Social media usage shouldn’t consume a significant portion of your day! That’s the reason why plenty of people hate
them. On the other hand, especially from a business viewpoint, it’s the best method for forming relationships with
people and expanding your audience is still social media.
Social media is no longer just a nice-to-have addition to marketing and sales strategies; it is now a necessary
component. In 2023, if you’re not using Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & Tiktok for business expansion, you’re
losing out on the chance to communicate with a completely different segment of your potential clientele.
Here’s how to kick off your social media channels following by improving your current social media
strategy, and discover how simple it is to go from being a newbie to a thought leader across all social media
1.Examine the social media platforms
Analyze the channels your brand is using, underutilizing, or completely ignoring before developing a comprehensive
social media strategy.
Analyzing where your efforts are best spent is the first step to opening a door to success online, even if your brand
is only present on Facebook. Likewise, if your brand is moderately active on Instagram and seeing good but not great
engagement, you know where to focus your efforts and how to do so more precisely.
#Important Tip: Same content does apply on all platforms
2. Establishing your goals and your Performance Indicators (KPIs)
In order to excel in the realm of social media marketing, it’s crucial to formulate clear objectives that guide your
effort. The SMART strategy provides a valuable framework for shaping foundational goals.
SMART strategy, which stands for:
– Specific: Precision is key for gauging and attaining objectives. This is particularly vital for garnering the
support of your team as you collectively strive for the desired outcome. For instance, a specific social media
objective could involve boosting your Instagram followers by 20% within this quarter.
– Measurable: The ability to conclusively determine goal achievement is essential. This capacity for measurement
makes it feasible to track your progress and even alter your goals if circumstances warrant. For instance, if you
observe that likes and follows aren’t translating into website traffic, you can modify your metric to something that
propels you toward the goal.
– Achievable: All set goals should be within practical reach for your business. Posing unattainable targets risks
demotivating your staff and introducing friction into your business plan. As you define specific and measurable
goals, be prepared to adapt if it seems you’re falling short.
– Relevant: Your social media marketing objectives should harmonize with broader business goals. For example, if your
overarching objective is to fortify brand awareness, you could set a goal to entice 100 social media followers to
click through a post leading to a landing page that elaborates on your offerings.
– Timely: To uphold accountability, goals should possess a temporal dimension. Instead of crafting goals for an
ambiguous future period, ensure you establish a specific rhythm for assessments to verify that you’re maintaining
the right course.
In the multifaceted landscape of social media marketing, SMART goals not only provide a point
of origin but also a mechanism for evaluation and adjustment, if necessary.
3. Decide with whom you want to connect
It’s time to decide who your current audience is and who you want to reach with your social media strategy. Find out
your target audience and curate content for them, whether you use personas or actual customer data.
How to find your target audience:

  • Compile data: You must understand your target market in order to reach them. To effectively market
    to your audience, it’s critical to understand things like their ages, locations, and engagement trends.
  • Use social media analytics: Many platforms, including Facebook & Instagram have analytics built in that can
    tell you information about your followers, such as when they post, where they post, and their other
    interests. The use of these tools with business accounts is additionally free.
  • Analyze the competition: You’ll gain insights into how to communicate with your audience by comprehending your
    competition. You can fill in any gaps in your current strategy by observing what your rivals are doing

Your marketing will be much more effective and simpler to execute when you have a clear understanding of the audience
you’re trying to reach as well as how to reach them and where they hang out online. Everything is ultimately
about your readers.
Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s important to keep up to date with their interests and to implement
a social listening strategy to understand their wants and needs.
4. Interact with your audience
People enjoy interacting with brands, and as a result brands experience benefits of social media engagement like:

  • Sales Leads
  • Boosted Website Traffic
  • Increased Referral Rate
  • Boosted brand awareness

The potential for a high return on investment (ROI) is enormous given that around 80% of consumers place a high
value on the customer experience, which includes interactions with brands on social media that help customers feel
seen, heard, and ultimately be understood.
By using social media, you can keep an eye on conversations as they
happen and promptly address any queries or concerns from your audience.
#Important Tip: Interact when real value is to be given to your audience
5. Post regularly & relevant content
Success on social media hinges on consistently delivering captivating and interactive content. This not only
cultivates a sense of reliability around your business but also signifies your up-to-the-minute expertise-sharing
and your genuine interest in engaging with your audience.
While the algorithms governing social media platforms may evolve, the principle of regular posting remains steadfast.
This practice plays a pivotal role in ensuring the visibility of your content within newsfeeds.
By prioritizing a steady stream of pertinent content, you signal to these algorithms that your posts possess the
merit to be prominently displayed in various newsfeeds, ultimately enticing more individuals to become followers of
your page.
On the other hand, if you feel that all this is a bit too much and you already have enough on your plate we’ll be
more than happy to assist, run your social media channels and help accelerate your business growth.


